I made sunscreen, following this recipe, last week. The next day was a bright direct-sunlight day, so we got to test out the sunscreen! Josiah took the boys out on a long bike ride, and none of them got sun burnt! I’m so excited to have a good homemade sunscreen, with natural ingredients I don’t mind smearing on my children’s skin. I’m also excited to have a sunscreen that I can use on our 6-mth old baby when we move to Niger (Africa), next January.

Homemade Sunscreen

1/2 oz beeswax pastilles
1/4 cup (2 oz) shea butter
1/4 cup (2 oz) coconut oil
1/8 oz buriti oil (optional, good natural sunscreen properties)
2 Tbsp (1 oz) zinc oxide powder
5 drops vitamin E oil (optional, good for skin)

Place beeswax, shea butter, coconut oil, and buriti oil in a double boiler (or place a bowl in a hot water/boiling water pot), melt the oils on medium-low heat. Remove bowl and put on counter. Add in zinc powder, and vitamin E oil. Using a slick blender or hand mixer, blend the zinc powder in well, until smooth. Pour into a jar, and let cool.