Smoothie Tips Tuesday, Oct 9 2012 

I found this picture on Pinterest, from here. I wanted to share it with you, as you may find it interesting! My smoothies pretty much follow the “guidelines” from this picture, and gave me a few more ideas. 🙂

Here is what I put in my typical smoothie: 2-3 frozen bananas, handful frozen blueberries, 3-4 frozen strawberries, frozen spinach, achai berry powder, vitamin C powder, probiotic powder, and milk. Sometimes I’ll use yogurt, and/or protein powder as well.

Here are my recipes for Fruit Smoothie, Green Smoothies, Pumpkin Smoothie, and Chocolate Banana Smoothie.

Pumpkin Smoothie Thursday, Oct 4 2012 

My friend was talking about making Pumpkin Smoothie for her and her children. It sounded so delicious I had to try it!
Instead of giving specific amounts, since smoothies are so versatile, be brave and follow these vague directions! 🙂

Pumpkin Smoothie

Several heaping tablespoons of pumpkin
Several tablespoons of  plain/vanilla yogurt
Honey, to taste
Cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and ginger (more of cinnamon than the rest)
Milk to cover the above
6 to 7 ice cubes (unless you use frozen bananas!)
Blend all the above together, enjoy!

Smoothie Popsicles! Wednesday, May 30 2012 

Last summer, I decided that I no longer wanted to feed my son store-bought popsicles. He loves them, eats so many of them, which is a lot of sugar and food colouring!!! So I started making my own. The main one we did, because we all loved it, were Coffee Popsicles! Even my then-3-yr old loved them.

This spring, I decided to try something else. I decided to try making popsicles from our smoothie recipe. It works GREAT, the boys LOVE it, and best of all? No sugar added! Just natural fruit sugars. Wow, how awesome is that! Now they can eat as many as they want without me feeling bad at how much sugar they eat. 🙂

How do you make them? Mix us a batch of smoothies (I make Green Smoothies – with spinach!), pour into popsicle moulds, and freeze! If you don’t have popsicle moulds, you could try freezing these in washed single-serving yogurt containers, or even small cups. 🙂

Green Smoothie Monday, Nov 7 2011 

Erika, from Large Families on Purpose, recently shared how her family drinks green smoothies for breakfast every day. I’d often heard of green smoothies, but her post finally got me to try them! My son and I proceeded to drink them every day for breakfast for a week (and counting)! They are delicious, and surprisingly filling.

What do I put in a green smoothie? Inspired by Erika, I use:

  • Bananas (usually frozen as I buy a big box of overripe ones)
  • Frozen strawberries
  • Frozen blueberries
  • Handful of spinach
  • 1-2 Tbsp ground flax
  • 1/2 cup yogurt
  • Milk, to desired consistency
Of course, smoothies are very versatile, so I don’t always put yogurt, or take the time to grind some flax. And for variety, you can change up the fruits used in the smoothie! Strawberries and blueberries are a great way to “hide” the colour of the spinach, so its nice to keep one of those in the mix. 🙂
I love these smoothies, love how they keep me full (results in less snacking), love how my son seems them as such a treat and yet they’re so healthy!

Do you make greens smoothies? What do you put in yours?

Banana Chocolate Smoothie! Wednesday, Jun 15 2011 

It’s been HOT here lately, and smoothies have been our best friend! Well, other than the fan blowing the cool air up from the basement. 🙂  This one is delicious: banana chocolate! The above picture was one we made from fresh bananas, but it’s even better with frozen bananas! Simply put a banana or two in a blender, add some cocoa powder and milk and thoroughly mix! You can add peanut butter too, for a yummy twist!

Makes for a great snack, refreshing drink, or dessert. Our 3-year old thinks it’s ice cream. 🙂

Smoothie-Love Sunday, May 29 2011 

We love smoothies around here. They are one of our favourite dessert. So versatile, so healthy, and a great way to get extra fruits in our diet. 🙂  Korban thinks it’s ice cream, and that’s fine by me!!!

Our smoothie “basics” is bananas. It just doesn’t taste the same without it. It adds a nice sweetness and smoothness to the smoothie. After that, we add whatever we feel like or have in the freezer. We mostly use frozen fruits, since that is what makes it nice and thick. In the above picture, you can see we used 2 bananas, some strawberries, blueberries, then raspberries. You need a little bit of liquid, so you can use milk or juice. We like it with milk, but using juice (i.e. apple) makes it a bit sweeter. We don’t add any sugar, but you most definitely can if you want!

Blend until smooth, pour in a cup and enjoy! We usually make ours thick enough that we need to eat it with a spoon. So delicious!