How to make Bread – video tutorial Monday, Jun 6 2011 

You’ve asked, you’re receiving. 🙂  I asked Josiah to video-tape the process as I made a loaf of bread. I didn’t share the recipe as I added ingredients (other than saying what I was adding) because it’s the same process with whichever recipe you use! I usually make my bread with a Bosch mixer (more on that in another post), but for this video, I made the loaf by hand. It still tasted great. 😉  hehe

The tutorial is broken in a few small chunks, here we go!

If you are using traditional yeast, you will need to proof your yeast first. If not, then there is no need as you can simply add it into your bread at the same time than your flour. If you’re not sure, then go ahead and proof it as it won’t hurt! 🙂 I personally use instant since it’s one less step in the bread making process. Here is how to proof your yeast:

The next step is to add in the rest of your ingredients, knead 10-12 minutes until the gluten in your dough is developed enough. I show you how to check that at the end of this next clip:

After the first rise, you punch down your dough…

After the 2nd rise, you are ready to shape your loaf! This next clip shows you how to shape it. Plus, you get to see Korban (3 yrs old) shaping a loaf too! He loves being like his Mommy. 🙂

Once it has risen in the bread pan, you are ready to cook it! This short clip shows how the dough looks/feels once it’s risen enough to start baking.

How to check if it is cooked enough. Sorry for the shaky filming here, I was trying to film and one-hanndedly take the loaf out of the oven!!

So there you go! I hope that helps answers some questions! It’s hard to remember what to say when getting video-taped, hehe. Feel free to ask questions and I will do my best to answer!

I also wanted to share another youtube video that I found very helpful in my bread-making. She’s obviously a very experienced Mom!! She grinds her own wheat (as I do) and uses a Bosch similar to what I have, but she gives great tips even if you’re kneading by hand. Here is the first of the eight parts of her video tutorial.

Smoothie-Love Sunday, May 29 2011 

We love smoothies around here. They are one of our favourite dessert. So versatile, so healthy, and a great way to get extra fruits in our diet. 🙂  Korban thinks it’s ice cream, and that’s fine by me!!!

Our smoothie “basics” is bananas. It just doesn’t taste the same without it. It adds a nice sweetness and smoothness to the smoothie. After that, we add whatever we feel like or have in the freezer. We mostly use frozen fruits, since that is what makes it nice and thick. In the above picture, you can see we used 2 bananas, some strawberries, blueberries, then raspberries. You need a little bit of liquid, so you can use milk or juice. We like it with milk, but using juice (i.e. apple) makes it a bit sweeter. We don’t add any sugar, but you most definitely can if you want!

Blend until smooth, pour in a cup and enjoy! We usually make ours thick enough that we need to eat it with a spoon. So delicious!